What is your condition? Are you in a state of barrenness like Rebekah, Isaac’s wife? Or maybe your case is not physical barrenness. It may be that you’re emotionally drained, financially busted and exhausted, spiritually dry and or socially uninterested. If the state that you are in is similar to any of these, I believe you’ll agree that to some extent it is a state of unfruitfulness.
Rebekah was likewise unfruitful. Genesis 25:20 highlights that she became Isaac’s wife when he was forty years old. Later on in verse 26 we learn that Isaac was sixty years old when Rebekah eventually gave birth to Essau and Jacob. Essentially, Rebekah waited twenty years (!) before she was able to conceive - twenty years! That’s a long time to wait for a child or on any promise for that matter. We see though that the posture of Rebekah’s husband, Isaac, was remarkable during her state of barrenness . He intreated (sought) the Lord concerning the matter. I can imagine that over the twenty year period of Rebekah’s barrenness, he would have prayed many times. Finally, there came a point when the Lord answered his prayers and opened Rebekah’s womb. Isaac’s posture of prayer while waiting reminds us that we need others who can help us to pray to the Lord for us to be fruitful. It is good when we can pray for ourselves but it is even more powerful when we can stand with one another in prayer.
God came through for Rebekah and allowed her to bring forth children. He had done the same thing for Isaac’s mother Sarah and the same thing for Rachel, the wife of Isaac’s son Jacob. Be reminded today that you serve a Living God who came through for you before and who will deliver you again.
I pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, that your life will be fruitful. No matter how dry or barren things may seem now. I pray for you, that God will open up the womb of your life, your ministry, your friendships, your education, your finances, your career and will cause you to become fruitful, even after many years of barrenness and drought. God who promised is indeed faithful (Hebrews 10:23) to come through for you.
God bless you. Please share this word of encouragement with someone and always remember - God can.