God Restores His Own!
Hello my friend,
I prepared this word of encouragement with a smile on my face, happy to be able to help lift your spirit today. Be blessed by it.
As I meditated on Acts 9:36-42 concerning the literal restoration of Dorcas, the thought came to me that the legacy of a woman (or any person for that matter) is the story of her life. Dorcas (also named Tabitha) was a disciple of Jesus, a woman of God. She was full of good works and almsdeeds, which means she was a charitable person - a giver. She was also very skillful with her hands. She made coats and garments that formed part of her legacy. Imagine the best fashion designer that you know today- Coco Chanel, Armani, Calvin Klein, Versace, you name them, Dorcas was probably viewed like that among the Hebrew people in her time because of her skills.
We learn of Dorcas’ skills and charity though, in the context of her death. She got sick and died and her body was prepared for viewing. The fact that her body was washed and laid for viewing means that there was no doubt that she was dead. As we would sometimes say, she was ‘dead as nit’. However, God was not done with Dorcas yet. Her legacy was not complete and so God used His servant Peter to bring Dorcas back to life.
Upon hearing of Dorcas' death, Peter went to where her body was laid, knelt down, prayed and commanded the woman of God to arise. She did, and her story allowed many to believe on the Lord.
If you’re reading this, you’re clearly not experiencing physical death like Dorcas did but there may be loss, dead things and situations around you. You may not be hopeful about much. I’ve been at that place before but I now live in the place of God’s restoration and I’m praying, like Peter prayed for Dorcas - that you will arise! Arise out of hurt, brokenness, rejection, sickness, disappointment, worry, out of everything that holds you in a dead place - Arise!! May God restore you and bring to life every dream that you have for yourself, your family, your ministry, your children, your business, your education, your marriage and even your finances. May Jehovah Elyashib (God our restorer) move on your behalf today and bring to life everything that seems dead. May you also stand as Peter did to pray and speak restoration into the life of someone else - yes, you can!
Shout this loud over your life and for the enemy to know - "God is restoring me!!!"
Share with someone that they may also be encouraged.
Every blessing,
Your sister in Christ Jesus